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Accident and Emergency Procedures

We are aware that allowing a child to take risks is very different to putting a child at risk and so our equipment and accident book is monitored to observe any emerging patterns.

All accidents and treatments that happen within nursery will be recorded in an accident book, signed by the first aired and yourself. Any serious bumps that have happened at home will be recorded on a separate sheet.

The nursery has valid Public Employer’s Liability Cover.

First Aid

There is a locked first aid box in the kitchen. A mobile first aid box is also available.

Children with ongoing illnesses such as Asthma or allergies have a clearly labeled named box containing everything they need. Expire dates for such medicines are entered into the dairy and monitored by the key people.

Minor bumps and scrapes are cleaned with running water and a cold compress if required. Plasters are put on with the child’s permission.

The first aider will wear disposable gloves where appropriate and dispose of all contaminated materials by bagging it up and putting it in the outside bin.

All permanent and supply staff holds a current First Aid Certificate which is renewed every 3 years.

Any Serious Accident Will Be Investigated Internally and Reported To Ofsted At Least Within 14 Days 

In the event of an accident occurring which requires hospital treatment the following procedures will be followed:

An ambulance will be called immediately whilst first aid is being administered.

The manager will contact the parent/carers as soon as the line is free. If no contact, the emergency numbers will be tried.

A senior member of staff will stay with the child accompanying the child to hospital if necessary.

If necessary The Nursery will close, parents/carers will be called and asked to collect all children ASAP.