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Behaviour Policy

The Nursery believes that children flourish best when adults adopt a positive and consistent approach to the management of their behaviour.  As a setting we aim to promote acceptable behaviour as well as a happy and safe environment for everyone.

We set clear boundaries depending on the age and stage of the children in our care. Together children and staff will draw up a list of ‘Golden Rules’ which will be displayed throughout the nursery for all to see.

The Nursery staff will act as positive role models, and praise and acknowledge good behaviour wherever possible. The children are taught to respect the needs and feelings of others along with caring for the environment and resources.

All staff will attend training courses on promoting positive behaviour. The named person (Louise Brooks) will keep up-to-date with current legislation, research, policies and procedures as well as keep a record of staff training on promoting positive behaviour.

Good behaviour will be rewarded with verbal praise, stickers, sharing the news with children, staff and parents and special helper tasks.

The children will not be permitted to:

  • Be rude or physically hurt other children, staff or students
  • Act in a way that might endanger themselves and/or others
  • Be unkind to others around them, e.g. snatching, name calling, hurting others
  • Purposely cause damage to nursery equipment or other children’s toys
  • Use bad or offensive language

Bullying of any sort by children, staff or parents will not be tolerated at The Nursery. Physical punishment will never be used or threatened.

It is essential that parents and staff maintain good positive relationships as well as communication. We expect parents and staff to be courteous to each other at all times. Any complaints or issues must be dealt with appropriately and in a professional manner.

When an incident occurs within the nursery staff members will treat each one in a way they feel best suits the situation and age and stage of the child/children involved.  Any significant issues will be recorded in our ‘Child Concern File’, which parents will be asked to read and sign. The concerns are shared and a behaviour a plan will be discussed with parents and all staff member s.

All parents are made aware of our Behaviour Policy. Staff will work together to ensure incidences are handled in the best way they know how. Careful and considerate feedback will be given to parents if and when an incident occurs.