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Outings Policy

All parents and carers will be asked to sign permission for local outings form as part of the induction forms. Local means within walking distance or 1 bus ride.

Only children with a signed form will be taken off The Nursery premises for any reason other than in an emergency. 

Parents and carers will always be advised of any planned outings, and told of spontaneous outings upon collection. 

For all outings, the following procedures must be followed:

  • Sufficient staffing ratios must be maintained throughout the outing. There must be no more than 2 children to one adult in any circumstance, with higher ratios if the trip location, or the children require so. 
  • Where there is a risk that the child may not understand, or wish to hold hands then reins must be used. 
  • A first Aider must be present on all outings, and a First Aid box taken, alongside individual prescribed medicine/ inhalers etc. 
  • If a child with complex needs is going on the outing, the key person and/or another member of staff who is fully informed about the child’s needs and/or medication must also go, to ensure a comprehensive risk assessment can be completed. 
  • A mobile phone with sufficient battery must be taken on all outings, with either family contact sheets taken or a guaranteed staff member back at nursery to assist. 

All children must be counted before setting off, and counting of children an on-going requirement throughout the trip. If the group is broken up, a designated person in charge must be assigned to take charge until the group gathers once more. 

The trip should have a clear purpose and aim. A pre-planned route should be shared, with meeting times adhered to wherever possible, with phone contact made to share any changes. 

Adequate supplies of nappies/ changing equipment and spare clothes must be taken. Toilet facilities must be provided for children at regular intervals, alongside food and drinks offered at similar times that the children are used to in nursery. Additional drinks must be offered if the weather is warm, or if the children will be energetic as part of the trip. 

Personal transport will not be used for the children unless there is an emergency which requires so.

For outings, public transport may be used. Children will be required to remain seated for the duration of the journey, and counted on and off the bus/ train. 

When arranging a large scale outing e.g. the summer trip, a coach from a reputable company will be hired. All seats must have seat belts which must be worn. 

For longer journeys, sick bags, towels and water must be provided. 

At the conclusion of the outing, the nursery team will complete a verbal review of the outing, noting the following:

Problems with safety/ equipment/ resources at the venue.

Problems with transport etc. 

Problems with organisation or implementation of plans. 

Any significant problems should be recorded in writing and alternatives explored for future outings. 

Families will also be asked for feedback from outings they attended, with information shared on a confidential basis.